At the invitation of Ms. Ann Murphy from the Newcastle Residents’ Association, the Raid committee attended an information night in Newcastle Hall on Wednesday night, 5th November.
A large crowd attended and amongst those present to make a presentation was RAID chairperson, Neville Graver. Neville spoke about the huge commitment of the committee and their determination to fight the plan for an incinerator in Rathcoole. He went on to say that we need the support of everybody at the forthcoming oral hearing, especially at the Demonstration (one day only) which is being organized from 9.30a.m. on the first day of the hearing - Wednesday 12th November. Neville also reminded everybody to support the Sponsored Walk on Saturday 8th November. Assembly is at the Community Centre, Rathcoole at 1.00pm.
The next presentation was given by our legal advisor, Dermot Flanagan. Dermot gave up-to-date analysis of the legal side of things and reminded the audience that he had engaged Senior Counsel Mr. Pat Buckley and Mr. Niall O'Neill B.L. to present our case to An Bord Pleanala. Other experts in the field of Planning – Fenton Simons, and Science - engineer and physicist, Joe Mc Carthy have also been engaged.
Dermot pointed out that it was the intention of the legal team to use the names of individuals and of Residents’ Associations who submitted an objection. This is to impress upon An Bord Pleanala that the local and adjoining communities are united in their objection to the proposed Incinerator. As they say, there is strength in numbers. Needless to say the services of our legal team does not come cheap and therefore we would ask of the objectors to consider making a contribution of €100 towards the legal expenses for being represented by our counsel at the hearing. This is not mandatory and all donations are made voluntarily and in complete privacy unless otherwise requested. There will be no other costs involved.
You may contact Dermot Flanagan at his legal practice in Saggart at 01 4589800. (ref. RAID) All cheques to be made out to RAID (Rathcoole Against Incinerator Dioxins).
Biochemist Deborah Mc Dermott M.Sc. made an excellent visual presentation and told the audience about the dangerous emissions - Dioxins, Lead and Mercury - that would emanate from the proposed incinerator. Dioxins, she said were the most toxic chemicals known to science and no incinerator has ever been built that does not emit Dioxins. She also pointed out that although ENERGY ANSWERS say they plan to incinerate 365,000 tons of waste every year, this proposed incinerator would be capable to incinerate 730,000 tons, making it the largest incinerator in Europe. Newcastle village is in a direct line across from Behan’s quarry - the proposed site of the Waste Incinerator. We do not wish Rathcoole and Newcastle to be known as ‘The Incinerator Villages’.
The MC for the evening, Liam Mc Dermott (PRO for RAID) concluded the meeting with a Question and Answer Session. Public representatives present were, Senator Frances Fitzgerald, Cllrs. Dorothy Corrigan, Jim Daly and Therese Ridge – all of whom spoke and gave their full commitment and support to RAID’s campaign. Also there was Mr. Con Mc Carthy, President of the South Dublin Chamber of Commerce. He assured the audience that the Chamber was in full support of the anti incinerator committee. A number of local residents spoke and voiced their deep concern. Dermot Flanagan assured them all that we are in a very good position and that the committee is very confident that our efforts will halt the plan to build an Incinerator in Rathcoole. We all look forward to the Oral Hearing in The Green Isle Hotel on Wednesday 12th November and hope that the application for an incineration in our community will finally be beaten . The Oral Hearing is expected to last for 3 weeks. As the total cost of the Hearing will cost the RAID committee over €50,000, we welcome anybody who wishes to make a donation towards the costs.
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