A well-attended Public Meeting was held in The Community Centre on Thursday 30th October and there to present some valuable information were biochemist, Deborah Mc Dermott, local solicitor Dermot Flanagan, Planner and Landscape architect, Ronan Mac Diarmada and engineer/physicist Mr. Joe Mc Carthy. They all gave very interesting talks and their contributions were very well received by all those present. Joe Mc Carthy made a most interesting presentation and pointed out the many scientific and engineering faults that he claimed pertained to the design of the Waste Incinerator proposed for Behan’s Quarry. It is his belief that this Incinerator would have the capacity to incinerate 730, 000 tons of waste every year, thus making it the largest Waste Incinerator in Europe. Our legal advisor Dermot Flanagan informed the audience of all the various aspects of the hearing. On behalf of the committee he has engaged senior counsel Pat Buckley together with junior counsel, Niall O’Neill. Deborah pointed out the health hazards of a Waste Incinerator and it was frightening to hear the true facts of this project. Ronan MacDiarmada spoke about the planning and told us that one of the most eminent planners in the country, Fenton Simons have been engaged by the RAID committee. Altogether, this is a very strong team that has been chosen to represent the people of Rathcoole/Newcastle/Saggart/Kill/ Tallaght/ Clondalkin/ Naas/ Lucan etc. Total cost to the committee will be approximately €50,000.
They hope to fundraise about €35,000 which leaves a shortfall of €15,000. Does anybody have any ideas how we can raise this amount? We have to fight this monster of a proposal. The committee would love to hear from you. Remember: The first things that residents living near a Waste Incinerator will notice are: SMELL… CONSTANT NOISE 24/7…and, You will not hear the birds sing anymore. Nature takes care of its own and they fly off to a healthier habitat.
Chairman of the meeting, Liam McDermott ended the evening with a raffle, which offered some wonderful prizes – all donated by local business people. A total of€1390 was realized. Christy Quinn was on hand, as usual, helping everybody and ensuring that the night was a success. Christy Mc Donnell and Daire Winston were in charge of acoustics and Terry Ivory and Bernadette Mc Intyre from the Awareness committee provided the display in the hall. Thanks to Centre Manager, Sean Reid and his staff who ensured that everything in the hall was fully organized and well prepared. Thanks to all the rest of the committee who are working so hard to ensure that the local residents have a safe and healthy place to live in. Thanks to John O’ Leary who did a great job decorating the hall. Ivor O'Toole was also there lending his expertise to the proceedings.
In attendance were a number of local representatives, Paul Gogarty TD, Joanne Tuffy TD, Senator Frances Fitzgerald, Therese Ridge, Dorothy Corrigan and a number of local councillors – Trevor Gilligan, Alan Mc Aughey plus some others whose names escape me. Minister John Curran sent his apologies for his absence, as did Minister Mary Harney. Aploogies were also received from Tom Dowling and Mick Murphy.
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