Monday, October 20, 2008

RAID Public Meeting in Rathcoole

An Bord Pleanala has announced that the Oral Hearing objections to the proposed waste incinerator at Behan’s Quarry on the N7 will be heard in the Green Isle Hotel, Dublin.
The preliminary oral hearing will be held on Wednesday 29th October at 10.00am
The full hearing will begin on Wednesday 12th November – also at 10.00am.

The Rathcoole Against Incinerator Dioxin (RAID) committee is holding a Public Meeting in The Community Centre, Rathcoole on Thursday 30th October at 8.30 pm. This meeting is to inform the public of the latest developments in their fight against the construction of the waste incinerator in Rathcoole.

Your support and your attendance at this meeting is important. We are all aware of the serious health hazards caused by the emissions of dioxins from Waste Incinerators. Health experts throughout the world tell us that these dioxins are long-lived and eventually cause cancer, liver disease, kidney disease, birth defects, skin irritations etc.

Some waste incinerator operators would like us to believe that waste incineration ‘Creates a Magic Disappearance of Waste’. Far from it… The waste does not ‘disappear’. For every 3 tons of waste incinerated, one ton comes out as contaminated ash. The rest goes up in the air as poisonous exhaust gases (dioxins – the most toxic chemical known to science) and when the rain comes down, humans and animals inhale this poison. It also falls on the ground, contaminating our food and livestock.

To fight this monster of a planning proposal, your support and attendance at the Public Meeting is vital. It is important to note that the RAID committee has engaged a full team of experts to represent you at this hearing. To receive full information, please visit the website:

Liam McDermott PRO for RAID

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